Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living....

      I've read the Bhagavad Gita several times from Eknath Easwaran's translation and commentary of the Gita. I was looking for a source for more in depth study of the Gita and ordered Paramahansa Yogananda's version a while back, which I must say is a magnificent work of commentary. Yogananda's version is a much more complex study and probably suited to the more adept in Hindu scripture. I recently came across Eknath Easwaran's version, which is a three volume study of the Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living and am so impressed with it that I use it daily. The commentary is a collection of lectures on each verse that was meticulously transcribed from his classes taught at Berkeley University. It is a wonderful work in study for all levels of Hindu scriptural learning. I highly recommend this addition  to anyone's spiritual library.
      Eknath Easwaran was a wonderful human being, who contributed vastly to the spiritual upliftment of many souls. He was extremely adept at bringing Eastern philosophy to the Western mind. We have received many great commentaries from past Self-realized Masters, but Eknath's unique perspective comes from  a devoted Householder. He was a loyal husband and father who contributed to the spiritual growth of mankind through academia. He was fiercely committed to the principles of meditation and yoga. His work is carried on still today by many who have been inspired by his simple and common sense approach to living the spiritual life in the modern world.

Jai Mata Di!


  1. Hi Nirvani: Eknath's work is really good. However, Bhagavad Gita acquires new meaning every time you re-read it. Incidentally, have you read about and the works of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi?


  2. Hello Naina, I have read just a few things from Ramana Maharshi, but as of yet have not read much in depth. I am slowly reading through the works of many of the great spiritual masters such as Maharshi. I just finished reading the works of Vivekananda and have read a great deal from Yogananda. As these are the two men who brough yoga to the west I felt that was the best place for me to start. I will certainly read more from Maharshi on your recommendation:)
